Rogue is an inclusive fem space offering play parties, workshops and social events within the kink, queer and ENM community in the East Midlands. Go to our Events and 2025 Diary page to see what’s coming up.
Rogue was created after realising there was nothing like it in the East Midlands. In the three years we’ve been running, it’s grown from strength to strength and expanded the types of events we hold.
Rogue play parties are the main events and what we’ve become known for. Each event has an optional theme to inspire, a social hour to settle in and a performance later in the evening.
We’ve found a having a fem only space creates a more relaxed and natural way to connect with others, without the pressures of a normal kink or swing club. Alongside our events we have a fem only Discord server to get better acquainted with others. Click here to join the discord server.
Fem led spaces are incredibly important to us. We want to create safe spaces to connect, explore, learn and empower. All of the fem events we run are inclusive of cis women, trans women and non binary folk and all parts of the network are fem, from crew right through to web development. If you have a different belief in what ‘fem’ means, this is not the space for you.